How is brand semiotics used in Brand positioning?
Semiotic brand audit can help you predict the success or failure of your product or the communication around your brand. Signs, symbols and narratives, brand logo, brand symbols, brand myths and narratives — all come under a semiotic brand audit. Since signs mean different things in different cultures, and the interpretation itself of a sign is with respect to communication and both culture and communication are very human constructs, it is clear that semiotics is a human study; the outcomes of a semiotic study are from our culture itself.
If we use semiotics in any new piece of communication or use semiotics in the packaging of a new product launch, it is more likely to be accepted by customers; since these codes come from the customers’ culture itself.
Each sign or code can change the brand narrative; brand myths and narratives can be changed in how they are perceived just by changing the colours or the cultural codes they are associated with.
According to Leapfrog Strategy Consulting representative Hamsini Shivakumar Leapfrog provides semiotic brand audit to their clients, and are leaders of semiotics in India. Hamsini says that the visual language and tonality for digital brands must be determined after a semiotic audit. Because signs can be perceived differently by different people i.e. they are subject to interpretation, and that often the digital world is mistakenly seen as one and not a microcosm of various cultures. Therefore digital platforms & brand semiotics specifically for these platforms must be kept in mind.
Therefore, conducting semiotic brand audit helps alter brand myths, shape brand narratives by adding semiotic thinking to their visual language and tonality.